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mark r. epstein 63 endows directorship of mit museum how can one tree tell the story of climate change meet the 2015 goldwater scholars mit cheetah robot lands ... in a leap for robotic development, the mit researchers who built a robotic cheetah have now trained it to see and jump over hurdles as it runs making ... to get a running jump, the robot plans out its path, much like a human runner as it detects an approaching obstacle, it estimates that objects height and distance. mits scientists spent years making the cheetah robot a more efficient runner. ... mits cheetah robot can jump over hurdles while running. your browser does not support the video tag. youtubemit cheetah 2 does a test jump in a harness new algorithm enables mit cheetah robot to run and jump, untethered, across grass. watch video. jennifer chu mit news office september 15, 2014. press inquiries share. new algorithm enables mit cheetah robot to run and jump, untethered, across grass. watch video. jennifer chu mit news office september 15, 2014. press inquiries share.

MIT cheetah robot lands the running jump

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